The Sword of Totsuka, also known as the Sakegari Longsword (酒刈太刀, Sakegari no Tachi; Literally meaning "Sake Cutter Longsword"), is a variant of the Sword of Kusanagi. It is sheathed in a sake jar; the blade is actually the liquid inside the gourd that is released and shaped, rather than a conventional sword. It is an ethereal weapon with an enchanted blade capable of sealing anything it pierces. Those who are stabbed by the sword are drawn into the jar and trapped in a genjutsu-like "world of drunken dreams" for all eternity; by extension, Itachi also managed to remove the Cursed Seal of Heaven from Sasuke by stabbing and removing Orochimaru from Sasuke's body. It can also cut through objects like a normal blade, thereby giving the wielder great versatility in his attacks. Orochimaru sought the sword for all his life and Zetsu commented that he could never find it. rrq pubg mobile hack cheat - BMN
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